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The first item to remember is all appointments of managers, coaches and umpires are annual.

No manager, coach, or umpire has any tenure whatsoever, regardless of the years of service.

There are no qualifications required to be a manager, coach, and/or umpire within little league. However, all board members, managers, coaches, and other volunteers or hired workers who provide regular service to the league and/or who have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams must annually complete the Little League® Volunteer Registration. Additionally, the league is required to conduct a background check on each of these individuals that meets Little League standards.

Little League requires a five-step process for selecting individuals to fill volunteer positions:
1. Application (online)
2. Background Check
3. Interview
4. Reference Checks
5. Exclusion of Certain Individuals

After the screening of candidates, completion of the volunteer registration and subsequent background check that meets Little League standards is completed and passed, the individual may be eligible for appointment within the league.

Managers, coaches, and umpires should not be appointed/approved and must not assume any duties until after a background check that meets Little League standards is completed and passed.

With a completed and passed background check, the League President may appoint managers, coaches and umpires at his/her discretion. Exception: Coaches new to a particular team cannot be named until after the draft.

The final step in the appointment process is for the Board of Directors to approve or disapprove each appointment made by the President.

If an individual is not re-appointed or re-approved as a manager, coach, or umpire for the coming season, the League President and/or Board of Directors does not need to give a reason to a person. The same procedure applies for new, first-time applicants.

If you are going to Volunteer to Manager or Coach, register your child first and then create a new an additional registration selecting "Volunteers" from the registration menu and enter your own information and the age group you wish to Coach or Manage. (Remember in baseball the MANAGER is the "Head Coach" while the COACH is the "Assistant Coach"). Once your volunteer registration is complete you will receive an email from JDP.

Use of the JDP QuickApp: The JDP QuickApp allows potential volunteers to complete their Little League Volunteer Application and background check in one step. If using the JDP QuickApp, a paper volunteer application is no longer necessary. The information is stored through JDP, eliminating the need for leagues to keep paper volunteer applications. A potential volunteer can complete their application on a secure site and a league official will no longer be able to view a SSN during the background check process.

Follow email instructions precisely to submit your identification information for a Little League mandatory BACKGROUND CHECK.

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